Kemarin, cek dari Google AdSense yang ditunggu-tunggu akhirnya sampai juga. Meskipun bukan pertama kali ini menerimanya, tapi baru kali pertama mau memindainya (scan) untuk keperluan buku ini. Keberhasilan banyak pemilik account Google AdSense seringkali tidak dapat dipercaya. Banyak orang belum mau melangkah sebelum melihat buktinya secara langsung :-)

Cek AdSense
[English Version]
The cheque from Google AdSense just came yesterday. Although it's not the first cheque, but it is the first cheque's scanning for the book purpose. Google AdSense user's Success Story sometimes can not be trusted. A lot of people do not want to start before they saw the fact :-)

AdSense Cheque

Banyak sekali template Blogspot yang disediakan secara gratis di Internet. Anda bisa mengunjungi (There are many Blogspot's templates which are provided in the Internet. You can visit the following sites):
Tutorial penggantian template Blogspot dapat dibaca di buku "Membuat Blog dengan Blogspot" terbitan PT. Elex Media Komputindo. (The tutorial of changing the Blogspot's template can be read on the book of "Create a Blog using Blogspot" which is published by PT. Elex Media Komputindo)


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